@ the Helm: The Power of Attention

@ The Helm: The Power of Attention

Over the last two months, I’ve noticed something.

The leaders and teams who are focused not just on getting through this, but getting better through this are doing just that. Their performance is measurably improving.

One leader told me earlier this week, “our metrics have never been better”. This particular team engaged in MaritimeQuest in January.

They could have sidelined their leadership development as COVID19 took over, but they didn’t.

They’ve stayed committed to their individual and team coaching goals and sessions; they are implementing their tools and creating new more effective ways of working together.

Another leader told me last week that her team is flourishing, in spite of all of the present constraints, stressors and ambiguity. They’re coming out of this stronger than ever. I know first-hand that this particular leader prioritizes the growth of her team members individually and collectively.

What we pay attention to grows.

If we throw our energy into surviving, then that’s what we’ll get. If we hone in our focus on thriving, then that’s what we’ll gain.

Are you ready to equip yourself and your team with the toolkit for getting better through this? “@ the Helm” is our new online course. It’s a compilation of leadership and management tools enabling you to calm the overwhelm and move your people from reactive to proactive, fragmented to focused, stressed to resilient.

Concerned about time? This six-hour online course includes 12 modules. Each module can be completed in a 30-minute session at your own pacing. Learn more here.


@ the Helm: What the Best Captains Know


Horses Won’t Lie: Episode 3 with Rainey