fullfathomfifty: soundings in leadership

On This Veterans Day
Lisa Arhontes-Marshall Lisa Arhontes-Marshall

On This Veterans Day

Over a year ago my family traveled to Washington DC to introduce a bill named after my brother to the Senate floor: The Commander John Scott Hannon Veteran’s Mental Health Care Improvement Act.

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Spilling the Wind
BridgeQuest Lisa Arhontes-Marshall BridgeQuest Lisa Arhontes-Marshall

Spilling the Wind

Halfway home it hit me: this is just like navigating through this pandemic - the wind and current is constantly shifting and when the wind does make up its mind, it’s enough to blow us over.

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Horses Won’t Lie: Episode 1 with Tori
EQuest, Horses Won't Lie Lisa Arhontes-Marshall EQuest, Horses Won't Lie Lisa Arhontes-Marshall

Horses Won’t Lie: Episode 1 with Tori

Here's a story worth sharing. My friend and colleague, Summer Davies, and I share a passion for leadership development and horses-as-teachers. Last year Summer co-facilitated EQuest with me, which is an equine-guided journey into purpose, power and presence for female leaders. Inspired by the grit and grace of our EQuest participants, Summer took on the challenge of capturing their stories in her new podcast, Horses Won't Lie.

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A Manager’s Tool Kit: A 10-Part Series to Equip Yourself, Your Team & Your Organization

A Manager’s Tool Kit: A 10-Part Series to Equip Yourself, Your Team & Your Organization

We’ve pondered extensively and expansively about the nature of management and leadership: What is it? How do you measure it? How do you foster it?  What do the managers we know need most?   And thus, The Manager’s Tool Kit came into being.

After much testing and refinement we decided it was high time to put our thoughts to paper and invite you into our ongoing conversations. 

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Notice Everything

Notice Everything

Halfway There This last week we enjoyed a bursting strawberry moon on the summer solstice. We’re halfway through the Earth’s orbit and the calendar year. It’s also the sixth month mark in my year’s commitment to daily meditations.


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