COACHING: Team Coaching

Virtual team coaching

Whether you are trying to turn around a troubled team or build a brand new team, Team Coaching is an accelerator. 

Team dysfunction primarily stems from a lack of clarity around purpose and goals.

When a troubled team or new team gets clear about why they exist as a team and what their shared work is, productive ways of working will follow.  

Team Coaching is a whole system approach.

Teams are collectively equipped with skills from the SeaChange Toolkit, including:

  • Team Compass

  • Conflict Management

  • Individual & Team Feedback

  • Direction-Alignment-Commitment Assessment

  • Delegation

  • Leading Change

  • Boundary Spanning Influence

This shared Toolkit creates efficiencies on many levels, including communication, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

The process holds individuals accountable to themselves and each other over time, which means that traction turns into sustained momentum. Team Coaching can occur in person, virtually, or in a hybrid format.  

Is your team ready to experience Team Coaching?