EQuest: Re-wilding Leadership. The Yin and Yang of It

SeaChange Resources: Re Wilding Leadership. The Yin & Yang of It.

Here’s a Recap of EQuest 2019: Lessons Learned in a Montana Mountain Meadow

Why Horses

Spending three days with a herd of horses significantly sharpened our attunement to ourselves, each other and our surroundings.

As we gained awareness of our own energy, we learned to channel it into more meaningful communication. 

Herd Dynamics

A diverse team offers multiple vantages that can quickly identify opportunities and threats.

Whether we are aware of it or not, we create an energy field that impacts the world around us. This manifests for individuals, teams, and even organizations. Like energy begets like energy. 

Coaching in Community

With the support of a coach, the likelihood of realizing our goals skyrockets to 85%. 

Through building a lifelong network of women leaders, it doesn’t have to be lonely at the top.

Coaching within a Community of Support creates a breadth and depth of learning that is transformational.

The Yin and the Yang of It

EQuest is our only program designed specifically for women. Here’s why. Healthy ecosystems are based on a dynamic balance between Yin and Yang, female and male, light and dark. 

Right now that is out of balance in our world, our nation, our communities, our families, ourselves. EQuest is designed to re-establish that equilibrium naturally, in essence, re-wilding leadership as we know it with an infusion of a more diverse range of feminine leadership principles. 

One day soon we hope to offer EQuest for Men. Our wildest dream is to cultivate a healthy balance of Yin and Yang in every leader.

Join us

The next EQuest takes place September 2020, at Black Mountain Lodge in Montana.

Click here to learn more and join us.

#equest #equine #executivecoaching #executiveleadership #executiveretreat #femaleleadership #lessonslearned #rewildingleadership #yinyangofleadership #purposepowerpresence

This article first appeared on LinkedIn in October, 2019. You can read it here.


Horses Won’t Lie: Episode 3 with Rainey


Horses Won’t Lie: Episode 2 with Ayrne Meyer