Horses Won’t Lie: Episode 2 with Ayrne Meyer

Horses Won’t Lie. A new podcast based on EQuest experiences from friend and colleague, Summer Davies.

This week we bring you Episode 2 of Horses Don’t Lie. We invite you to listen to Ayrne’s story. More from Summer…

If you met Aryne (pronounced Erin) you might think that her deep wisdom and settled presence was something she had always possessed, and maybe it is.  However the true story of how Aryne came to be an Equine facilitator, artists and leader is rugged. The pull of horses had drug her through heartbreak, substance abuse, homelessness and back to the herd of horses she now calls family.

This is her true story. 

Aryne is now an Equine facilitator for the EQuest program.  Learn more about the work Aryne does through this program and join us in July.

The original post can be found here on LinkedIn and the podcast is available now on Anchor, Breaker, Overcast, Spotify, and other platforms. 

Listen on Anchor

Listen on Breaker

Listen on Overcast

Listen on Pocket Casts

Listen on Radio Public

Listen on Spotify

Do you want to experience the magic of EQuest yourself? If you're facing a major life transition, if you're deepening your leadership, if you're intrigued by the wisdom of horses, then we invite you to EQuest. We have a program coming up in September.

About this podcast: My friend and colleague, Summer Davies and I share a passion for leadership development and horses-as-teachers. Last year Summer co-facilitated EQuest with me, which is an equine-guided journey into purpose, power and presence for female leaders. Inspired by the grit and grace of our EQuest participants, Summer took on the challenge of capturing their stories in her new podcast, Horses Won't Lie. Explore the previous episode.


EQuest: Re-wilding Leadership. The Yin and Yang of It


Horses Won’t Lie: Episode 1 with Tori