
The raucous sound of cicadas in the leggy meadow grasses marks the arrival of late summer in Maine. It’s a sweet-melancholy song that holds the promise of the upcoming harvest as well as a reminder that shorter cooler days are to come. All those little critters born in the spring are already starting to fatten up. My own hatchlings that I wrote about in my last post have successfully flown the nest and are now out and about in the wide world.

Here’s the update.

MaritimeQuest: June 28-30, Castine, Maine

We worked with a remarkable team of newly hired young talent from Bangor Savings Bank who are on an accelerated leadership development track. I’ll let them speak in their own words.

“MaritimeQuest was an incredible experience.  Our new team arrived having just met and without any professional workplace experience.  We left with a deep and clear understanding of ourselves and each other.  We have already been able to tackle several projects as a highly-functioning team that communicates and supports each other well.  I know that the leadership and teamwork tools I left with are invaluable in the workplace and beyond.”

“MaritimeQuest built the foundation for teamwork and a level of self-awareness I didn’t know was possible.  Kim and her team were amazing.  I can’t imagine how it could have been any better. I think about everything I learned every day in my new role at Bangor Savings Bank.  I feel like MaritimeQuest set me up for success both in the CCDP program and for the future.”


MaritimeQuest was a first-time collaboration between Maine Maritime Academy and SeaChange Resources in which the bridge simulator was used by an outside entity and for a purpose besides training mariners how to navigate a ship. The unique initiative caught the attention of the press.

Charting a new course: Young trainees use MMA bridge simulator for a different kind of industry, Castine Patriot.

Banking Talent: At Bangor Savings Bank, accelerated leadership program attracts talent, MaineBiz.

Team EQuest, July 8-10, Helena, Montana

This was a diverse group from the Montana Board of Crime Control. They represented a cross-section of the board and agency departments. The team was charged with developing recommendations for a strategic plan to change the organizational culture from reactive to proactive.

I wish I could have videotaped their final team challenge with the horses. It verged on magical to witness how their direction, alignment and commitment as a team motivated an entire herd of horses to do exactly what was asked of them--all without using any spoken words or halters and leads.

While the participants stayed onsite for the duration of the program, the Executive Director came and went in the evenings. She described coming back to a new team every time she returned.

Spreading the Word

Click here to take look at our new trailer video. These two minutes do a more effective job of conveying the SeaChange mission and vision than any amount of chatter from me. Thank you to Beeswax Productions for showing how much can be accomplished in 120 seconds.

I am grateful for such a fruitful summer. Now the real work begins in getting the word out there. That is no small challenge. But because I have been blessed with meaningful work, magnificent colleagues and courageous clients, I have a valuable product of which I am very proud. Promotion then becomes the art of serving rather than selling.


Reflections on a Year: Our Top Five Posts on Wisdom and Excellence


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