fullfathomfifty: soundings in leadership
Breaking News
It has been a slow-moving season here in Maine. We’re deep into June and the forces of unfurling, blossoming and hatching are still very much at work.
Puppy Wisdom
Recently I was asked, "Who are your wisdom mentors?" After some reflection I generated the following list. First and foremost is Mom, who treated me as an equal from our earliest conversations and who continues to embrace new learning every day.
Philosopher Kings, Naturally
Last week I attended Wisdom 2.0 Business, a thought-provoking conference in NYC about innovation, mindfulness and purpose-driven work.
A Path of Least Resistance?
I've often been asked: what do horses and the sea have to do with executive development? It's a fair question. Surely there are easier ways to offer rising leaders a customized interactive and reflective experience supported by executive coaching?